Focused Knowledge Exchange Sessions

Want to learn from another organisation attending the conference?

Simply fill in your area of KM interest and KM strength when purchasing your ticket and we will set up an optional meeting for you in a great Dublin location the evening before the conference!

We will tailor your meeting with a peer organisation so that you have the optimal opportunity to exchange tacit knowledge and learn from each other. Win, win, win, you get to explore a location, that we would go to ourselves, plus you get to know some fellow conference delegates and you learn from each other’s experience in KM!

Restaurant, bar, sightseeing location, escape room… endless possibilities!

There will also be evening knowledge exchange sessions in great Dublin locations for all delegates on the 10th and 11th of June

Ancient Knowledge Evening included in your ticket price: On the 10th of June you will get a unique experience with your KM colleagues. A private tour of the Book of Kells and Gaia, the spectacular illuminated sculpture of Earth by Luke Jerram, visiting the Trinity Old Library for a limited time. Our evening will also include the new 4D Book of Kells interactive digital experience. This will be followed by a social gathering in an iconic location